Rev.Michael Benson Ajayi
Mark 11:25-26 "And when  ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your  trespasses.But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
           This scripture shows the importance of families living in unity and harmony.Forgiveness is a sine qua non for a healthy spiritual growth. Offerings (miracle seeds) are no substitute for forgiveness, it is for this reason that Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him (luke23:34) , it is as a result of that prayer that humanity now enjoys God’s grace.Stephen also prayed for the forgiveness of those behind his death ,the scriptures says in Acts 7:60 "And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to  their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep."  Unity with God was of more value than self glorification that would have been attained should God had taken vengeance on Stephen's behalf. This is unlike what is witnessed among some Christians who engage in so-called 'dangerous prayers and fasting  ' against their brethren.
         Our individual prosperity is connected to our collective prosperity therefore aspiring to be the only successful member of a family or community is an exercise in futility ,Joseph could not attain his fullness as a leader in Egypt until he was reunited with his family. The Egyptians showed him more honor when he was with his family than when he was alone(Gen.46,Gen48)Dis- functionality in a family leads to identity crisis among members especially the young ones, this is evident in the kind of meaningless names they give themselves ; such names are often a reflection of the pain associated with a disconnected soul. That's why great political dynasties would do anything to maintain the unity of their families. Leaders with a strong family background tend to outlast those without a family identity. The strength from the  emotional support system derivable from a strong family bond cannot be overemphasized.
       It is for this reason that the genealogy  of the greatest leader that ever walked the earth :Jesus , was well documented (luke3:23-38) as proof that the healing of the family units  is paramount in God’s agenda as a panacea to healing the nations of the earth from the awful effect of sin.
         There are six things the Lord hates and one of them is the sowing of the seed of discord among members of the same family (Proverbs.6:16,19),this gives room for the operation of demonic activities (James3 :16) families and a communities in discord are a fertile ground for the proliferation of false prophets whose visions further tears family members apart contrary to Jesus' teaching on family love ( John 13:34-35) .Disunity destroys God’s work (Matt. 12:25) it leads to cultism and idolatry (1cor.3:3,4)
     Disunity in families and communities  originates from not being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading (1Cor.3:3,Gal.5:19-21) hatred for family members (Proverbs.10:12) pride and lust of life (pro13:10,James 4:1-3)  considering oneself as more important than others and playing favoritism (Acts6:1) other causes of disunity include repeating past painful events (prov. 17:9) gossips ( prov.26:20) arguing over inconsequential matters ( 1tim.6:3-5) self exaltation and desire for prominence (3john 9-11) envying ( Rom. 13:13) transferred aggression and bitterness from a failed project( Hebrews.12:15,prov.29:22,15:18)  and a desire to always argue about everything (prov.20:3)
          When we view issues from a singular perspective , strife and disunity seizes.  Therefore,  we should make the word of God the standard upon which all decisions are made. Once there is a scriptural backing to any decision, we should set aside any contrary view and align with the scriptural viewpoint. This way, we would always be like-minded (1cor.1:10,Phil.2:2)
       Everyone deserves to be treated with respect in a family or community,  no view therefore should be treated with levity or disdain, the minority reports in any family or community forms the bases upon which holistic development can be attained . They are like the tributaries that make up a river therefore they shouldn't be neglected.  The scriptures says in Romans 12:9-10 MSG "Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle." Everybody has something meaningful to offer in a family or community ( Ephesians.4:16,1Cor12:25-26) .
        The weak members of the family of community must be accorded more recognition and privileges than the strong (Rom14:1) with respect for the elderly ( 1tim 5:1) We should avoid offending each other  (1cor.10:32,33) this is easily done when we have forgiven past offenses and reconciled (Matt. 5:23-24) and  have taken control over anger, this puts us in a better condition to communicate rationally and in moderation (prov.14:29,15:18,James 1:19) .
     Chronic cases of disunity may require the intervention from a pastor (Acts15:2,7,12,Gal.6:1) and those guilty of causing strife reprimanded 1Thes.5:14 and the unrepentant ones excommunicated (prov.22:10,Matt.18:15-17,1cor.5:11-13) but should not be treated as enemies (2thes.3:14,15) and room be made to restore the repentant ones to the fellowship of the family of God’s people .
As you read this now receive grace to break every circle of disunity in your family in Jesus name.
Prayer / counseling +2348098536911, +2348035536911 Email :Michaelbensonajayi@gmail.com


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