By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi James 2:19 – "thou believest that there is one God, thou doesth well; the devil also believe, and tremble". Much of what the world believes about is not from the bible. 1 John 4:1 tells us that there are many errors taught by false prophets and the spirit of Anti Christ. What are Demons? They are called “Foul (Greek 'akathartos' meaning unclean) Spirits” and “Devils” (Matt 4:24, Mk 9:2 ) They are not the spirit of dead persons :the dead are either in hell or heaven :Ecc9:5, Lk16:27-31 Satan is the leader or prince of demons and is also called Beelzebub (Mk 3:22) Demons believe there is a God and they are afraid of Jesus' judgment against them (James 2:19) They are able to do miracles in order to deceive (2Thes2:9 ) Most cultures recognize the existence of these spirits and some persons seek their help by making sacrifices to them (1 Cor 10:20-21, Deut 32:17...