Michael Benson Ajayi
“That each of you
should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable”. 1Thes. 4:4.
Sex is a gift from God for pleasure and procreation ; the abuse of sex brings about dishonour in our relationships and the distortion of God's plan for our lives.
Sex is a gift from God for pleasure and procreation ; the abuse of sex brings about dishonour in our relationships and the distortion of God's plan for our lives.
Scriptural terms used for unacceptable
sexual acts describing the intensity of its evil include the following:
Defraud (GK pleonekteo) which means
to deny another of the moral chastity and purity by arousing sexual desires which cannot be righteously fulfilled in order
to satisfy one’s own self-centered sexual desires. (1Thus. 4:6; Eph. 4:19).
(GK porneia). It’s any intimate sexual activity outside
marriage, involving touching of the erogenous parts of the body
or viewing the nakedness of another person .1 Cor. 6:18, Lev.
20:11, 12-21. 1Thes. 4:3,
Lust (GK epithumia) is having an immoral
sexual craving for someone or thing, which one would fulfill if the opportunity
arose. Eph. 4:19,22, 1Pet. 4:3, 2Pet. 2:18..
Sexual immorality leads to destruction of businesses, marriages and
lawlessness in society and true morality is a sustainable private righteous
lifestyle known only by God.
Lasciviousness (GK aselgeia) is the unreserved display of sexual overtures
or play without boundaries with an inclination towards arousing and
participating in sinful lust as in sexual orgies (,Gal. 5:1; Eph.
4:19; 1Tim 2:9 ,1Pet, 4:3, 2Pet. 2:2, 18)
A person cannot truly repent of sexual sins until he or she is convinced
beyond reasonable doubt about the evil behind them. The world’s media often paints a lovely picture about sexual
sins and unfortunately many Christians have bought into the idea of sex without a loving sustainable commitment ;this is against God's purpose. The first thing sexual sin does to a person is the destruction of his or
her faith in God’s word replacing it with overwhelming fear and guilt with low self esteem. Without faith, a
person loses passion for God and willfully separates from godly community of believers . Couples who tolerate sexual sins in find it hard to respect their spouses. It is the reason behind the battle for supremacy between married persons.
Secondly, sexual sins triggers a chain reaction of negative emotions.
The scriptures describes this chain reaction in Gal 5:19-21 Mssg “It is obvious what kind of
life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive,
loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage;
frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion;
paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied
wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and
divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of
depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable
addictions; ugly parodies of community.”
The easiest
way to overcome sexual sins is by refusing to entertain the thought of it by dealing with every root of bitterness in your heart.Cheap sex is an easy fix for the hurting (Heb.12:15-16) ,that's when we are most vulnerable. You
may need to work away from a discussion on cheap sex ;do not entertain it.
Reject Satan’s thought by praying aloud “I command the voice suggesting sexual immorality to be silent in Jesus name for my body is
the temple of God’s Holy Spirit” Secondly , memorize scriptures that speak
against sexual sins ,like [Hebrews13:4,1cor.6:13,18,] thirdly , fast at least
once a week , fourthly , take the holy
communion as often as possible and ask
the lord to help you overcome filthy thoughts replacing them with
righteous ones (Phil.4:8) , fifth, pornography should be a no go area to you and stay clear from porn addicts
(psalm1:1-2),Married persons should be accountable to and spend quality time with their spouses. Sixth ,be accountable to a matured christian and make sure you have well defined boundaries in your
relationship with persons of the opposite sex and above all trust God to keep you from falling. As you make Jesus Christ your lord and read this now, receive grace to overcome temptation in Jesus name.
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