By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi
James 2:19 – "thou believest that there is one God, thou doesth well; the devil also believe, and tremble".
Much of what the world believes about demons is not from the bible. 1 John 4:1 tells us that there are many errors taught by false prophets and the spirit of the Anti Christ.
What are Demons? They are called “Foul (Greek 'akathartos' meaning unclean) Spirits” and “Devils” (Matt 4:24, Mk 9:2 ) They are not the spirit of dead persons :the dead are either in hell or heaven :Ecc9:5, Lk16:27-31 Satan is the leader or prince of demons and is also called Beelzebub (Mk 3:22)
Demons believe there is a God and they are afraid of Jesus' judgment against them (James 2:19)
They are able to do miracles in order to deceive (2Thes2:9 ) they are the ones behind the miracles in churches run by false prophets that's why we should not follow a person because of signs and wonders. Most cultures recognize the existence of these spirits and some persons seek their help by making sacrifices to them (1 Cor 10:20-21, Deut 32:17)
Demons are seducing( Gk planos: impostor, misleading, roving) spirits that tempt us to sin ( 1 Timothy 4:1). They can take up the image of an ancestor, a husband or any person: they have masquerading skills. Most claims of vision of dead person is usually an encounter with a demon unknowingly, this is known as necromancy. They are very deceptive.
People may be controlled or possessed by demons. ( Matt. 8:30-32) People who make a habit of sinning may receive a demon in the process (John 5:14) Demons love sexual intercourse and posses the bodies of fornicators (Gen.6:2-4)
Failing to forgive and prolonged bitterness and hatred can bring about demon possession ,they are also known as the tormentors (Matt 18:34, 35) demons are behind cultism and gangsterism in our communities The worship of idols and other occultic practices opens the door for demon possession ( 1 Cor 10:20,21) and when a person is religious but denies the Holy Spirit's presence in them, they are prone to demon possession especially a person one who has just been delivered from demonic oppression (Matt. 12:44-45)
Demonized persons are characterized by great strength (Matt. 8:28, Luk 8:29) They may also always be in pain and full of anger , the suffer injuries and sometimes foam at the mouth (Mark 9:20)
They may also appear as teachers (pastors,prophets,teachers, bishops ) in churches (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
They may go without clothes ( nudity) Luke 8:27 and may be fortune tellers, or worshipers of idol ( Lev. 17:7, 20:27)
The bible does not give any formula on how to cast out demons ,Jesus simply gave authority to His disciples and all who believe in His divinity over demon spirits ( Mk 16:17, John 17:20-23) Jesus simply commanded them to come out ,no rituals are required (Mk. 1:25) and his disciples also did likewise ;they commanded demons to come out in the name of Jesus (Mk. 16:17) .The christian that knows his or her rights as a child of God is a terror to demons.Like a TV remote responds to your authority likewise do demons respond to our commands.
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins against you. I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation. I receive him as lord and saviour and receive grace to destroy the works of demonic powers in my life and family in Jesus' name.
Prayer / counseling + 2348098536911 + 2348035536911 Email :
Pics credit : pixabay
What are Demons? They are called “Foul (Greek 'akathartos' meaning unclean) Spirits” and “Devils” (Matt 4:24, Mk 9:2 ) They are not the spirit of dead persons :the dead are either in hell or heaven :Ecc9:5, Lk16:27-31 Satan is the leader or prince of demons and is also called Beelzebub (Mk 3:22)
Demons believe there is a God and they are afraid of Jesus' judgment against them (James 2:19)
They are able to do miracles in order to deceive (2Thes2:9 ) they are the ones behind the miracles in churches run by false prophets that's why we should not follow a person because of signs and wonders. Most cultures recognize the existence of these spirits and some persons seek their help by making sacrifices to them (1 Cor 10:20-21, Deut 32:17)
Demons are seducing( Gk planos: impostor, misleading, roving) spirits that tempt us to sin ( 1 Timothy 4:1). They can take up the image of an ancestor, a husband or any person: they have masquerading skills. Most claims of vision of dead person is usually an encounter with a demon unknowingly, this is known as necromancy. They are very deceptive.
People may be controlled or possessed by demons. ( Matt. 8:30-32) People who make a habit of sinning may receive a demon in the process (John 5:14) Demons love sexual intercourse and posses the bodies of fornicators (Gen.6:2-4)
Failing to forgive and prolonged bitterness and hatred can bring about demon possession ,they are also known as the tormentors (Matt 18:34, 35) demons are behind cultism and gangsterism in our communities The worship of idols and other occultic practices opens the door for demon possession ( 1 Cor 10:20,21) and when a person is religious but denies the Holy Spirit's presence in them, they are prone to demon possession especially a person one who has just been delivered from demonic oppression (Matt. 12:44-45)
Demonized persons are characterized by great strength (Matt. 8:28, Luk 8:29) They may also always be in pain and full of anger , the suffer injuries and sometimes foam at the mouth (Mark 9:20)
They may also appear as teachers (pastors,prophets,teachers, bishops ) in churches (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
They may go without clothes ( nudity) Luke 8:27 and may be fortune tellers, or worshipers of idol ( Lev. 17:7, 20:27)
The bible does not give any formula on how to cast out demons ,Jesus simply gave authority to His disciples and all who believe in His divinity over demon spirits ( Mk 16:17, John 17:20-23) Jesus simply commanded them to come out ,no rituals are required (Mk. 1:25) and his disciples also did likewise ;they commanded demons to come out in the name of Jesus (Mk. 16:17) .The christian that knows his or her rights as a child of God is a terror to demons.Like a TV remote responds to your authority likewise do demons respond to our commands.
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins against you. I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation. I receive him as lord and saviour and receive grace to destroy the works of demonic powers in my life and family in Jesus' name.
Prayer / counseling + 2348098536911 + 2348035536911 Email :
Pics credit : pixabay
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