By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi

The word 'refreshing' comes from the Greek word ‘anapsuxis’ and it means: a recovery of breath, or revival and the word ‘times’ refers to an occasion. Peter was speaking to an audience of very religious persons that have gathered from around the world on a pilgrimage with the hope of being refreshed .Unfortunately , religious pilgrimages and sundry rituals do not guarantee salvation , they tend to empower the sinful nature by making us proud and full of guilt and have to be repeated over and over again because they cannot make a person holy, spiritually perfect and fulfilled, if they were effective, citizens of the so-called 'holy lands' should be crime and sin free but that's not the case.
Whenever a person turns to Jesus Christ in repentance , his or her sin problem is solved : the yoke of guilt and condemnation is broken once and for all ;they experience a breath of fresh air from satanic and self- bondage .Repentance entails changing one’s mind and making a u-turn from a previous direction. It is a change in one’s convictions and perspective on life.
In Acts 3:1-26 Peter and John met a lame man at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon at the entrance to King Solomon’s temple. It was ironical that this man was positioned at a gate named ‘beautiful’. His situation was far from being beautiful until his perspective on life changed. Prior to his healing, he earned a living through begging and easily adapted to his environment. Whenever life deals an unpleasant blow on us we should not be quick to attribute it to be an act of God, religion teaches that we should adapt to failure as in the case of this man. No matter the experience, there is always a better future ahead of us only if we are ready to change our perspective on life. We shouldn’t allow temporary gains out of an unpleasant situation prevent us from experiencing a more fulfilling and glorious life.
Religion is quick to interpret any financially rewarding scheme as a blessing from God even if causes great pain and lack of fulfillment . This logic is contradictory to His plans for us (Ps105:37). Jesus said with God all things are possible and it is His will for us to be healed if we have faith to receive.He paid the prize for our physical and emotional healing. The scriptures say in Matt 8:17-18 NKJV "He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses." If He took our diseases, then we should have no disease with us: we must believe in this truth to receive healing from both physical and emotional diseases. Just as a woman could be two days pregnant without being aware of it and if she probably took a pregnancy test it may appear negative, likewise we shouldn’t wait until there is a physical sign before we believe God for a miracle. Through faith we enforce God’s promises upon our lives. Faith comes from God’s word .The lame man received faith from Peter's teaching of God's word. Peter said ‘look on us’ meaning "change your perspective on life and let Jesus be your source for healing, provision, emotional satisfaction, security , stability and wisdom." As soon as he changed his perspective, he forgot the many failed attempts at trying to stand by his strength, the scripture says he reached out and grabbed Peter’s hand and stood completely healed.
Psalm 107:20 God’s word changes our perspectives on life and heals our diseases .It is our willingness to let go of the past hurts in exchange for faith in the gospel that brings about the manifestation of our healing and restoration. We should not create room for ungodly sorrow in our hearts, it hinders the miraculous and it is a destroyer of great dreams (2Cor7:10). As we discover truth, our recovery begins in earnest and God restores all that which was lost during our years in the dark.
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive healing virtue to rise above my situation and break forth in to my season of refreshment in Jesus name.
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive healing virtue to rise above my situation and break forth in to my season of refreshment in Jesus name.
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