1 Peter 4:17-18 NKJV “ For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
This scripture underscores God’s approach to the issue of societal reforms; it is a process that begins with the church. There can be no true governance outside the perimeter of God’s elect. The need for societal reforms is necessitated by the fact that our individual and collective prosperity are inseparable. Nobody prospers in a country plagued by wars or disaster . It is against this backdrop that the church is expected to vigorously pursue the entrenchment of social justice and equity in the society because , injustice to one is injustice to all. Jer 29:7 says “ And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare."
We are related in one way or the other therefore, our collective good should be the concern of all. Unfortunately, many church leaders place more emphasis in the building of personal empires at the detriment of our commonwealth. History has shown that such ventures cannot stand the test of time.Whatever is not founded on truth eventually disintegrates.
The church is meant to be a pool from where tested and genuine leadership is to be sourced (Acts 6:1-7), therefore when church leadership seems to promote moral bankruptcy by endorsing individuals with weak moral standing into leadership positions, society suffers. In acts 6:7 we are told that the word of God spread as a result of good governance brought about by sound wholesome family oriented teachings and leadership .This resulted in a healthy increase in the number of disciples with a culture of long term commitment to nation building. The true measure of church growth is not in how many persons occupy our palatial auditoriums but how many less sinners we have in the society and a willingness by the majority to embrace a culture of integrity ( 2Cor.5:12NLT Bible). This can only be attained by a radical approach to teaching the truth of the gospel. The ability to receive truth determines the degree of peace a person enjoys in his or her business, marriage and community. Truth comes from knowledge and knowledge by God.
It took a church of four persons: Daniel and his three faithful friends to change the social fabric of ancient Babylon for the better . It is against this backdrop, that the process of societal reform must start from God’s people, through the highest level of transparency and accountability. The world does not understand spiritual language but they do know how to identify integrity wherever it is found. This is why we must of necessity go through trials and temptation, through temporary deprivation (Eccl 3:1-8),through this we come to understand that God wants us to learn how to value human relationship and our relationship with Him more than we do with material wealth (Rom 14:14-16,1 Thes5:22). Our faith fails whenever we allow our joy to be determined by the possession of material wealth.( Mk 4:7,19) this leads to frustrations , illnesses and temptations.
During trying times we learn to identify and refrain from desires which bring dishonour to our families and God's name (2cor 6:3) it helps us identify true believers (Deut 8:2, exodus 20:20) such periods draws them closer to the Word of God and through this they know battles are sometimes set by the lord to test our resilience ,resolve and love for His Word (Judges2:21-22).
Through trials we also learn to be better resource managers and invest wisely (Jn 15:2) and are more useful to the community (2Tim 2:21,) this sometimes requires the total destruction of our old plans for prosperity for something new and better ( Jer 18:4) in preparation for a glorious future ( Deut 8:16) and give Him all the glory , Deut 8:17-18 says “He did all this so you would never say to yourself, 'I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.'
Prayer : Heavenly Father, forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive grace for total restoration in Jesus name.
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