By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi 

"So my people come pretending to be sincere and sit before you. They listen to your words, but they have no intention of doing what you say. Their mouths are full of lustful words, and their hearts seek only after money."Ezekiel 33:31 NLTBible 

   The oxford English language dictionary defines  Crisis as a time of intense difficulty or danger , a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.

    There are three major reasons for crisis 1) misunderstanding 2) conflicting interest 3) oppression and hostility as in the case of wars .

      God's people were rebuked for their pretentious worship:  it was not sincere . but driven by the love for money . A preacher once said the fastest way to grow a church in Nigeria  is to promise people money during evangelism . I have had many occasions were  I have been asked if I will pay for church attendance. This is what the state of the church was in Ezekiel's time. With this mindset it will be difficult to have good governance, security  and peaceful marriages . There was conflicting interest, God seeks for true worshippers while the worshippers were seeking for money. 

    When preachers lean towards materialism to appeal to public sentiments they will starve the flock. Sound doctrine is rare ;  there is spiritual hunger in the land resulting in a phobia for marriage , spiritual hunger leads to emotional starvation.  The Bible says “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds, the leaders of Israel. Give them this message from the Sovereign Lord : What sorrow awaits you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep?Ezekiel 34:2 NLTBible 

The flock is to be fed ,spiritual ,emotional and physical food if need be. Most outbursts are caused by the emotionally starved. Whenever a person feels unloved they become problematic . 

   The unloved finds it hard to love ,you cannot give what you do not have .To get by,  the unloved resorts to camouflage :acting like all is well while hurting .This is the result of hypocritical worship ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’ ”

Matthew 15:8‭-‬9 NLT Bible. Hypocritical worship or human traditional worship places the burden of salvation upon man. It teaches that a man is saved by their good deeds: but what is good to one may not be to another. This is the outcome of neglecting God's word in the family. Jesus Christ said .. “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God".Matthew 22:29 NLTBible (Mark7:9,13) 

   One of the reason for the promotion of errors in the teaching of the gospel is the crisis of cathedralism : the belief that God dwells in a physical building or alter, this mindset limits our capacity for productivity outside the perimeter of the cathedral like the old testament believers could not succeed without the ark . This deprives families from experiencing the power of God needed to face life's challenges . The scriptures says  "However, the Most High doesn’t live in temples made by human hands. .."

 Acts  7:48 NLTBible The bible says of such persons "They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"  2 Timothy 3:5 NLTBible. 

Prayer : Heavenly father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation , I receive him as lord and savior and receive the Holy Ghost and power to restore broken families in Jesus name. 

+2348035536911, +2348098536911 e-mail michaelbensonajayi@gmail.com 


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