By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi

Gen 14:20 KJV “And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.”
  Abraham had just defeated the entire armed forces of a whole nation- Sodom and her foreign allies ;an extraordinary feat  achieved through the help of 318 servants . It was nothing short of a miracle confirmed through the visit of Melchizedeck  the high priest of the most high God –an anti-type of Jesus Christ. He declared Abraham blessed after which as a demonstration of his faith in divine preservation Abraham gave him tithes  - a custom in ancient Mesopotamia where a tenth portion of one’s goods at harvest was given to God ( in reality you cannot give God anything because he owns everything)  through a priest as a demonstration of one’s love for him , submission to his will  and acknowledgment of His ownership of the earth. This culture is still being practiced in certain parts of the world . It is the essence of libation by most African cultures especially the harvest festivals such as the new yam festivals by the Igbo's in Nigeria.
           It is worthy of note , that the blessing was declared upon Abraham before he gave the tithe , meaning the blessing was not because he gave the tithe therefore , it will be erroneous to say Abraham will be cursed if he did not give tithes . That would mean his victory over the enemy was by reason of the tithe he had given earlier; but no mention of that was made in the chronology of Abraham’s walk with God .
     It was by grace that he was saved , not by his works or else he would have had a reason to boast.  It is by the same principles that the born again Christian is blessed regardless of the demands of the laws of Moses who made tithing mandatory. Romans 4:16 TLB says “So God's blessings are given to us by faith, as a free gift; we are certain to get them whether or not we follow Jewish customs if we have faith like Abraham's, for Abraham is the father of us all when it comes to these matters of faith.”  Under the New Testament  are blessed by the same principles of faith without the observance of Jewish culture. 
If the giving of 10% is a must as taught by most modern teachers of the law of Moses ,  it means when a pastor or church member is given a car as a gift, he or she should rip it into pieces and divide it into ten equal parts by weight and monetary value and one portion given as offering, the same applies to clothes and refreshments in a party  it also means landed properties should be divided and a tenth portion given as tithe. One can imagine the chaos this will cause. That is why salvation cannot be guaranteed by the observance of the laws of Moses (Gal 2:16). God will not curse a born again Christian for not giving 10% of his or her income (Galatians 3:13-14). All acts of giving under the New Testament are a demonstration of faith working by love. God is not pleased by anything but faith and only receives gifts from anyone who wants to give .Exodus 25:2-3 says LB"Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them’(also see 1 cor 16:1-3,2Cor.8:1-15).
     Giving an offering because you expect God to give you something in return is not love nor faith but an act of stock trading and is an error with devastating consequences ,it is the origin of bribery and corruption .It destroys godly character. God is not covetous , He already has all He needs , however, He seeks for ways for us to demonstrate  our love for Him  . Families should develop a giving culture to show their love for God. Our generosity should be born out of love and faith and not a mere duty. Our offerings enlarges God’s family-the church and promotes love in a family. 
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive grace for an extraordinary financial overflow in Jesus name.
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