Rev.Michael Benson Ajayi Psalms 51:5 NLT "For I was born a sinner— yes, from the moment my mother conceived me." This scripture teaches that the human sperm cell : the seed that grows into a human being in the womb of a woman is tainted with the sin virus. This virus induces an inclination to rebel against God's laws . Humanity got infected by the virus when our first parents (Adam and Eve ) ate the forbidden fruit (symbol of God's authority) thus paving the way for idol worship : man-made religion. They turned a tree into their god. Sins creates a sense of disconnection from God that's why people go long distances to worship objects (Isaiah 59:1) God is everywhere and never sleeps . Ever since that unfortunate incidence, the human gene pool became corrupted. Nobody learns how to sin, we sin by default. The first lie we ever told as children and the selfish tendencies are the effects of the sin nature. It is for this reason th...