By Rev.Michael Benson Ajayi.
Cor 9:18-21 NLT “Under this circumstance, what is my pay? It is the special joy
I get from preaching the Good News without expense to anyone, never demanding
my rights. And this has a real advantage: I am not bound to obey anyone just
because he pays my salary; yet I have freely and happily become a servant of
any and all so that I can win them to Christ. When I am with the Jews I seem as one of them
so that they will listen to the Gospel and I can win them to Christ. When I am
with Gentiles who follow Jewish customs and ceremonies I don't argue, even
though I don't agree, because I want to help them. When with the heathen I agree with them as
much as I can, except of course that I must always do what is right as a
Christian. And so, by agreeing, I can win their confidence and help them too.”
Here the Apostle Paul shows what it takes to be an effective disciple of
Christ: adaptation and respect for individual rights and liberties without
compromising on one’s belief in the lordship of Jesus Christ was the key to his
success in ministry. The church experienced
true growth in grace and the knowledge of the Lord. He was both efficient and
effective in the ministry of the gospel.
The difference between being effective and
efficient is seen between using an air conditioner and a fan in a hot weather.
The fan is an efficient means of circulating hot air thus creating a cooling effect.
On the other the air conditioner removes the heat and one could actually be
cold in a hot weather. This is an effective means of climate control.Tolerance brings about effective church growth which is the key to societal reform
growth was not how many persons were in his meetings but who much less
sinners were in the community (Acts19:20). Paul was not into Church
building projects but Christ being formed in the hearts of his followers
(Gal.4:19). This is the effect of tolerance for others. Effective evangelism requires being
tolerant of other people’s custom even if it runs at variance with yours. Paul
mentioned , heathens as part of his target , a people that may probably have no
place in our sophisticated church settings today that thrive on an efficient
principle of evangelism that encourages the promotion of name brands and self ego and growth based on societal trends without any spiritual transformation and
improvement in the morality of society and an escalating intolerance among
citizens .
Paul showed great tolerance with those
who opposed him , he achieved this by concentrating on the good in others.(Phil
1:15-18,4:8) There is something good about our opponents if we look well enough.
Our opinion about others should be premised on their virtues , not their
weaknesses considering the fact that we have errors too. Tolerance comes from
putting yourself in the other person’s shoes, if out of our self-righteousness we
become intolerant of others; we are committing a worse sin before the lord (Lev.19:34a,Matt
This does not mean we should be tolerant of
deliberate evil doing by others haven realized the truth of the gospel for that
runs contrary to God’s righteousness (Psalm101:3-5)God is slow to anger however
, it is a terrible thing to fall into the lord’s judgment (Isaiah63:9-10,
Matt:18:15-17,Rom16:17) Such persons should be avoided as much as possible but not hated (1Cor.5:11).
As you receive Jesus Christ as lord and savior
and read this now , receive grace for protection against any device designed
for your fall in Jesus name.
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