By Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi

The word 'authority' is the Greek word ‘exousia’ and it means ability; privilege, force, capacity, competency, freedom, mastery, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control, delegated influence. The born again Christian has been empowered to be Christ’s representative on earth. God has given us delegated influence which means we have heaven’s backing in our dealings on earth.
To better understand the enormity of this influence, lets imagine what happens when the president of a great nation is indisposed to attend to a function , he or she by constitutional provision has the right to delegate any of his officials to represent him or her in that occasion . If there are documents to be signed, the officials’ signature is as valid as that of the president. An attack against the official is to be interpreted as an affront against the office of the president and would be resisted with presidential might. During such visits, provisions are made for the president, from accommodation, security, transportation to refreshments. These provisions are given to whosoever is his or her representative. Likewise, the born again believer has been given provisions befitting for the king of kings. The scriptures say we are joint –heirs with Christ (Rom8:17). Not co-heirs. The latter connotes an unequal partnership which is illogical under the premise of delegated powers.
Authority is absolute and positional. It is because of this quality that there’s an instant change in the attitude of persons including closed friends and relations as soon as a person is appointed to an exalted political or spiritual office. There is a reverential fear to their approach towards that person not because of who the person is but what his or her office entails.
In luke 10 :19 Jesus said “ Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.” (AMP bible) This statement was made by Jesus after the disciples said in Luke 10:17 KJV ‘… Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name’ He was trying to let them know that it was not by a mere coincidence that demonic forces where subject to them: they were operating in delegated authority. Unfortunately a lot of Christians do not know this truth and have become victims of demonic manipulations and extortion by so-called ‘powerful’ men or women of God who subject them to all manner of harrowing experiences in the name of ‘deliverance’.
There is no such thing as a powerful man or woman of God but a God who is all-powerful. Peter made this distinctly clear in Acts 3:12-13 after being used by Jesus to heal a lame man, he turned to the already mesmerized crowd and said “People of Israel," he said, "what is so surprising about this? And why stare at us as though we had made this man walk by our own power or godliness?” This is contrary to what is commonly observed in many religious circles where preachers for egocentric and selfish reasons create the impression of having a monopoly of the power to work miracles. We are channels through which the power of God is revealed to persons. God is omnipresent and so is His power for the miraculous. It has nothing to do with the individual’s ‘holiness’ .Judas the betrayer of Christ and Thomas ‘the doubter’ were among those used for signs and wonders. Infinite delegated authority has been given to as many persons who believe in Jesus Christ (John1:12)Jesus said, the born again Christian can also do whatever He did on earth (John14:12). Jesus did heal and cast out demons therefore the born again Christian has been authorized to do likewise (Mark16:17,Matt 10:8). It is as easy as saying "come out in the name of Jesus!! As you you receive Jesus Christ as lord and saviour and read this now , receive grace to walk in your divine authority in Jesus name.
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