Rev Michael Benson Ajayi

John 13:1-15 TLB “Jesus
knew on the evening of Passover Day that it would be his last night on earth
before returning to his Father… So he
got up from the supper table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his loins, poured water into a basin, and began to wash
the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel he had around him…. You
call me 'Master' and 'Lord,' and you do well to say it, for it is true. And since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed
your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. I have given you an example to follow: do as I
have done to you”
A memorial marker is a tool for meditation; it
serves as a vehicle to access spiritual gifts . Meditation
means to have deep thoughts about a thing and that’s how God’s power is
manifested in our situation ,
unfortunately the lack of meditation is a great want in our modern Christian life. In the New Testament, we are enjoined “to
meditate" (Greek ‘promeletao’ ) which
means ;to take care beforehand" (Luke 21:14), also "meditate" (
Greek ‘meletao’, which means"to
take care" (1 Tim 4:15) . From this
we understand that all battles are first won in the subconscious (spirit)
before they are manifested physically. For example,you cannot be seeing yourself as a failure every day and expect to be a success. Therefore,
memorial markers are a tool used by believers to change the tide of events
given that all physical life originated from the spiritual, thus spiritual virtues are accessed using their physical replica, Rom 1:20 AMP
says ” For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and
attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made
intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been
made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any
defense or justification], [Ps 19:1-4.] .”
Old Testament
memorials include the monument of stones (Joshua4:1-11 God’s deliverance of Israel),
Rite of circumcision (Joshua 5:2-7 His commitment to a new generation), Alter
at the Jordan (Joshua 22:1-34 His relationship with His people) Feast of the Passover
(Joshua 5:10-12 Redemption from bondage ) In the new testament , the Holy
Communion is a reminder of the redemption of the born again Christian by which
we are liberated from all inhibitions and curses. Thus, we have access to grace
for excellence in all areas of life and eternally qualified to partake of the
blessings of the saints in Christ. Also the washing of the feet is symbolic of
the washing away of past shame, sins and guilt standing against us and freedom
to partake of God’s blessings.
A woman once told me
that ever since she became a Christian she had never partaken in the Holy communion and
feet- washing ; when I demanded to know why ,she said according to her pastor
she was too much of a sinner to qualify for these holy sacraments .She claimed
to have many boyfriends and though she desired to get married ,she was haunted by her guilt and was afraid to commit to a relationship
I replied saying by new testament principles she was more qualified than her holier- than- thou pastor to partake of the Holy communion because Christ came for sinners and as long as she sought the lord with all her heart I would be honoured to be the first minister to serve her the holy communion . She obliged and her feet were washed and her countenance lightened. I told her that these acts are a reminder that her sins have been erased and she stands before God as one who has never sinned. She got freed from the devils lies of guilt and today she is happily married with children, she is enjoying the new life in Christ . As you receive Jesus Christ as lord and savior and read this now, receive grace for excellence in Jesus name.
+2348098536911,+2348035536911 I replied saying by new testament principles she was more qualified than her holier- than- thou pastor to partake of the Holy communion because Christ came for sinners and as long as she sought the lord with all her heart I would be honoured to be the first minister to serve her the holy communion . She obliged and her feet were washed and her countenance lightened. I told her that these acts are a reminder that her sins have been erased and she stands before God as one who has never sinned. She got freed from the devils lies of guilt and today she is happily married with children, she is enjoying the new life in Christ . As you receive Jesus Christ as lord and savior and read this now, receive grace for excellence in Jesus name.
pics credit: turnbacktogod. com
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