It is a source of personal edification: “He that speaks in an unknown tongue edify himself” (1st Cor. 14:4). It is from the “edify” that we derive our word “edifice” in construction work . its the Greek word oikodomeo which means to be a house-builder, i.e. construct or confirm, embolden. It's the cure to shyness and timidity which are a hindrance to marriages and businesses.
Whenever we speak in tongues though the words given to our irrational subconscious being, we are building ourselves spiritually like a body builder lifts weight in the gymnasium .The mysterious words that we speak carries weight.
It's a generator of desirable emotions . The baptism in the spirit is not is not an emotional experience, it’s a spiritual one driven by faith which is emotional, volitional and emotional ,the scriptures says “… my soul wait for the lord” Ps.62:1. Our emotions are energized by the prompting of the holy ghost. He brings out the feminine part of woman and the romantic side of a man which were hitherto suppressed due to years of abuse . It is normal to feel that way. Emotional expressions are a sine qua non to good health and through the Spirit within us, we can be sure to achieve the healthiest and purest emotional expressions attainable .Married couples filled with the Holy Spirit who habitually and jointly manifest their Holy Spirit inspired emotions through speaking in tongues results in a marriage full of excitement, peace that transcends human comprehension and joy inexplicable. They eventually become best of friends. The bond of marriage is sustained by the ethereal elements of faith, hope, love,long-suffering, gentleness, peace, goodness,meekness,joy all of which are emotions generated through speaking in tongues.
We offer acceptably worship to God . Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the inexplicable emotions of gratitude towards God for his acts of kindness . At such time human words appears grossly inadequate to express our gratitude to God thus, speaking in tongues serves as a fulfilling medium to give God thanks. Paul says “ we can give thanks well”(1st Cor.14:17) by speaking in the language he gives. This is the highest form of praise worship, this is how we minister to God in the spirit (Acts13:2)
Receive an undeniable manifestation of the power of the Holy Ghost as your read this now in Jesus name
Prayer/counseling (+234) 803 553 6911, 809 853 6911 email:michaelbensonajayi@gmail.com
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