By Rev Michael Benson Ajayi

Luke 15:17 "And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!"
       We are made to believe through parental upbringing that experience is the best teacher. As wise as it may sound this logic has caused more harm than good in the lives of many. A child does not need to be thrown off a ten story building to learn how it feels  like to survive a fall from a ten story building. This way of thinking is behind the negative peer pressure in our lives. It is premised on the human kind of faith which says seeing is believing. This is contrary to Gods kind of faith  which says, blessed is he who has not seen but yet believes (John20:29) .Wise men learn from their mistakes while wiser men learn from the mistakes of wise men. It is for that reason that we should be ever so grateful for the errors in the lives of our mentors and parents, through them we become wiser in decision making. We are admonished by scriptures to honour them for blessing us with their priceless gifts of wisdom. Therefore, by the guiding of the Holy Spirit ( our best teacher John16:13) :who is the source of all wisdom ,we can use the experiences from other persons as a case study to confirm the words of the Spirit. 
          Every time a sin is committed somebody somewhere in the world actually dies (Rom. 6:23) for example it  is estimated that over a million people die every year from  the activities of the manufacturers and sellers of fake or substandard drugs worldwide each year. A life of deliberately continuing  sin could soon lead to a separation from the Spirit of Life ( Heb6:4-5)  just like ones  TV subscription  can expire and from that moment we cant receive signals from a satellite cable company .This process is known as spiritual death or the first death. You may be surrounded by the electromagnetic waves from the transmitting company but it will be of no use to you. Likewise, the Holy Ghost soon becomes of no benefit to the rebellious soul. This is behind the entire catastrophe in our world today.
       Romans 1:18-20 reveals that non Christians: Moslems, animists, Buddhists etc  have an intuitive knowledge of right and wrong and God's judgment against sin. Therefore, for anyone to live in sin, as depicted by this prodigal son (luke15:17), they have to be deceived by Satan who has blinded the eyes of men from seeing the benefits of living for Christ (2Corinthians 4:4).Satan creates the impression that there is something we are missing out on in the world by obeying Gods laws but a critical look at the lives of those deceived reveals pains, misery, fear, shame and absence of true love. This was what happened to Adam and Eve. When a person gets freed from Satans deception, he or she regains intelligent moral consciousness, their spiritual eyes are thus opened, this is what the scripture means by, "he came to himself He was awakened by tragedy though this isnt Gods original plan for us . God never sends misfortunes to anyone as a means of teaching them a lesson.     
             Misfortunes are the aftermaths of mans rebellion against God, the scripture says in Jer 4:18 TLB Your ways have brought this down upon you; it is a bitter dose of your own medicine, striking deep within your hearts .People easily turn their backs on God as soon as they experience a breakthrough with the help of immoral preachers who demean the importance of sound biblical morals  (Hosea4:6-8). In Jer. 3:15 God says he will give us pastors who will teach us His ways with clarity of scriptures, it is not in us to direct our footsteps (Jer10:23).The word of God is our moral compass: 2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. The holy scriptures have been given to us to guide us to the place of fulfillment of our divine destiny and it is up to us to allow Gods word lead us. As you read this now, may you errors be turned into everlasting blessings in Jesus name
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email: michaelbensonajayi@gmail.com


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