By Rev Michael Benson Ajayi

      " Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”Genesis 2:18 NLT

    “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning  ‘God made them male and female.’ ”  And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’  Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”Matthew 19:4‭-‬6‭, ‬19 NLT

  The word 'joined ' is the Greek word 'proskollaō ' it means : to glue upon, glue, to join one's self to closely, cleave to, stick to "  The marriage relationship is like conjoined twins. Each persons shares in the other person's hurts and joys , it changes the lives of the married dramatically and under the Lord's leading, it is one of the most extraordinary and rewarding experience one could ever have. It is the word of God that glues couples together (1Cor6:17;Eph4:16,Col.1:17) Their love for one another is directly proportional to their love for sound doctrine of God's word.

   Marriage is a commitment or a spiritual covenant before God ( Eze16:8 ,Mal2:14) For the believer ,its primary purpose is to create a healthy environment where godly children  will be raised for the promotion of  God's kingdom  (Mal2:15) . Whatever a person is exposed to during the formative years ( 1-25 years ) forms the bulk of that person's character during their adult life (Prov22:6)  God wanted Moses to lead his people out of Egypt  that was what informed Moses being raised by pharaoh's daughter ,same with Joseph. Persons who grew up under selfish,   bitter parenting tend to be in bitter marriages . Studying a person's background gives us a picture of and whether we fit into their destiny . This should inform the choice of a marriage partner . 

   Marriage gives companionship and strength , the bible says " In the same way, you HUSBANDS MUST GIVE HONOUR TO YOUR WIVES  .Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but SHE IS YOUR EQUAL PARTNER in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered." 1 Peter 3:7 NLT
   The anointing  in the wife is not inferior to that of the husband, failure to understand this truth results in instability in a marriage and hindrance to prayers . God hates the dominion theology that labels a person created in God's image as inferior (Matt20:25-28) unfortunately , it is being promoted by many preachers today with many marital casualties in the church .
   Marriage is designed to make us stronger and devoted to God ( Ecc4:9-11) It helps us find solution to some of life's problems ( 1Cor7:2, 9) It helps us attain emotional stability , sanity , sanctity and economic viability if guided by God's word. The bible says  " So I advise these younger widows to marry again, have children, and take care of their own homes. Then the enemy will not be able to say anything against them." 1 Timothy 5:14 NLT
 . Here marriage is a cure to the problems of widowhood  :especially sexually active persons. Changing location sometimes facilitates marriage for young widows or widowers. 
Prayer : Heavenly father forgive  me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive the Holy Ghost and power for protection from harm in Jesus name. Amen 
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