Rev. Michael Benson Ajayi
Matt 13:14” In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:"'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving’’
     The theory of determination or determinism which suggests that our belief in God has been predetermined runs contrary to the principles of the Christian faith and portrays God as unjust . It is the same when one says God’s favour is not fair.  And very often those who preach this doctrine quote the aforementioned scripture.
     The belief in determinism is against man's right to choose. In mark 11: 23-24 the scriptures says”.. whatsoever you desire when you pray…”…if determinism was the case , we should not have desires and not be held accountable for our actions and decisions since they have all been predetermined .
   Going by this theory, some persons were never given the opportunity by God to believe in the gospel because of Isaiah's prophecies. If that were the case, God will be unjust to judge the sinner since He alone determines human actions and it will be considered an infringement on our rights to choose.
      When the bible speaks of predestination as in Ephesians 1:5 “ He predestined us to be adopted as sons…” the word 'predestined' is a Greek aorist verb ( having an external viewpoint) and in this case , it serves as a figure of speech meaning : to ordain or determine before. It means to make a prior arrangement. An example, every nation builds prisons as a prior arrangement for those who will violate the law. That does not mean that there are some citizens who are born prison worthy.Most prisoners are simply paying the price for the wrong choices they made. Choices come with consequences.
     God has given us equal opportunity to be saved and  no one has ever been denied the opportunity to accept the gift of salvation (Ti. 2:11). It is our belief system that determines how God deals with us.In Mark 6:5 the bible says that "he (Jesus) could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them."  It is evident that the reason Jesus could not do any mighty work was not because He was incapable, but because He chose not to use His influence against a person's choice.
      God respects our right to choose. It is what makes Him a judge in human affairs.  He would not force a miracle upon you except you are willing and ready. Most people are willing but not ready. Likewise, the unbelievers do not believe because of their choice to reject Jesus. They could not believe because they chose not to believe. Believing in Christ requires humility and selflessness and most persons are not willing to pay the price. Unbelief is selfishness or self-preservation mostly because we want to be in control so we can take the glory for our success. People want to worship God by their terms. That is known as religion.God hates religion because it promotes hate and hypocrisy.    
   . "They stumbled at the stumbling stone" (Rom. 9:32), which is Jesus. God did not predestine them to this fate. Isaiah saw that very few would receive the truth in the gospels (Isa. 53:1) about the Messiah, and consequently were kept from the knowledge of salvation because they rejected Him in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found (Col. 2:3). This is what Isaiah prophesied, and it is evident today .
   You are not destined to fail in marriage,ministry, business and health . You are blessed and programmed to succeed. 
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins against you, I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation, I recieve him as lord and saviour and receive grace to  turn my failures into overwhelming success in Jesus name.. Amen
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