By Rev Michael Benson Ajayi 

" Soon the people began to complain about their hardship, and the Lord heard everything they said. Then the Lord ’s anger blazed against them, and he sent a fire to rage among them, and he destroyed some of the people in the outskirts of the camp."Numbers 11:1 NLT  "

" And don’t grumble as some of them did, and then were destroyed by the angel of death." 1 Corinthians 10:10 NLTBible 

   To murmur means to make a low toned continuous background sound . The key word is 'continuous' . God is not angry over complaining about a thing once or twice but when it becomes ten , twenty times until it becomes a daily routine then it becomes harmful to you and those around you. 

    Murmuring is the opposite of gratitude . It is a lack of gratitude of what God has given us Num21:4:5, Num11:4-6,18 it is a manifestation of self-righteously judging others ( Matt14:4-10) Jesus Christ was against the false religious leaders for their constant murmuring (Luke15:2, Luke 19:7) Murmuring is synonymous with false religion . It is an indication of lack of knowledge of God's word and weakness in prayer . The prayer of the righteous is powerful and with it we can change any situation according to the will of God by faith ( James 5:16-18). Elijah , Daniel , Joseph influenced the economy of nations through prayers .

   God's word is the origin of our faith in him (Rom10:17). Murmurers lack faith in God being able to meet our needs regardless of the economic circumstances. This is common with persons who are not committed to giving offerings and the Abrahamic tithes ( Gen.14:20; 1 Cor16;1-2) Given is an integral part of our faith culture ( 2Cor8:1-5)  We live by labour and favour ( goodwill, Aid) God motivates people to give us  aid because of our acts of faith in his ability to provide. 

   Murmuring is a demonstration of the loss of faith in God's Word and His power to work miracles. Murmuring is the main reason behind the failure of marriages. A murmuring spouse easily frustrates grace for marital bliss . This is the reason behind unhappy homes. It is tortuous living in the same house with a murmuring spouse. This is the consequence of rejecting sound teaching of God's word. Psalm106:24-25, Many of Jesus' disciples left him because of murmuring ( Jn6:60-66) a murmuring Christian cannot stay in a church or keep a relationship for long , they always find something wrong in others except themselves. This is dangerous to marriages . It opens the door to infidelity. 

  Murmuring indicates hopelessness: a sign that the murmurer has given up on life ( 1King19:1-4, 10 ; Jonah4;1-9) . it is a lack of faith in God's love for us and trusting in human strength Deut.1:27. 

   Self-righteously judging others is symptomatic of a heart full of hate and rebellion against the holy spirit ( Mark14:4-10 , Luke 15:2; luke17 .) This behaviour creates an impression that God is far away and does not listen to prayers( Job 23:2-9 ;Psalm 10:1) 

  Murmuring results in self destructive utterances endorsed by heaven . While murmuring the Israelites wished evil upon themselves and it came upon them  Num14:1,2,26-35) . Any murmuring is a murmur against God ( 16:11; Exo 16:7-8) 

  Murmuring is contagious and results in instability that could lead to wars and civil disobedience that could result in the deaths of many persons (Num11:4,5 , Numbers13:30-37) .Ask the lord to give you understanding , strengthen your prayer life and discipline yourself to study God's word daily. 

Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation  I receive him as lord and saviour and receive the Holy Ghost and power to be a peacemaker in Jesus name .

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